When is Sweet Corn Ready to Harvest?
August 7, 2024 | By Rupp Seeds
Are you SURE your sweet corn is ready to harvest?
Pictured is an example of a SH2 sweet corn that is 5 days early, at peak maturity, and 5 days late (same variety in each picture).
When it is time to harvest your sweet corn, not only open a few ears and visually inspect them, but also squeeze the ear's tip (while in the husk) and also taste the ear.
Sweet corn at
PEAK maturity will have a nice snap when bitten, followed by a sugary corn flavor. Its tip and kernels will look and feel full but not bulging. In bi-color corn, the contrast between the white and yellow kernels will be definite.

In the ear pictured on top (
EARLY), you’ll notice the extra space around the kernels - proof that they can still fill out. This sweet corn ear will have a slight earthy, green taste with less sugar content. In bi-color corn, the color contrast between white and yellow will be less noticeable, almost pale.